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"Palabras De Mi Corazón, el primer libro interactivo de  rezos judíos" es un libro práctico que presenta a los niños y a sus familias el mundo de la oración, la espiritualidad y Dios en un lenguaje accesible e inspirador. A través de actividades , ejercicios y tefilot, este libro invita a las familias a descubrir y entablar una conversación sobre prácticas espirituales en el judaísmo. También empodera a los niños y a sus adultos a encontrar las palabras en su corazón y crear sus propias oraciones.

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🌟More WFMH videos below

🌟About the book

🇺🇸 Learn about my new book "Words From My Heart, the hands-on Jewish Prayer book". I am creating this book to share with families and schools a special approach and resources to help children explore spirituality and Jewish prayer.  Contact me for questions or for bulk orders 🌟 


"This book is truly an immersive experience, giving children the tools to explore prayer at their level. This is spiritual development that will support them as they grow!"- Eliana Light, founder of the Light Lab

“An exquisite prayer book with inviting and magical collages and color. Evelyn has a talent for saying complex things in words that children and adults can understand.” Joy Schandler, MAJE, RJE
Director of Congregational Education and Early Childhood Education Strategies Center for the Advancement of Jewish Education

"One of a kind book. Spectacular in every way! A must-have for Jewish educators and parents alike."
Lisa Baydush, Early Childhood Music Specialist

🌟More WFMH videos!

🌟 Words From My Heart song

🇺🇸 Todah, Bevakasha, Slicha, Halleluyah song Ms. Eve, a Words From My Heart song 🌟 

🌟 Canción de Palabras De Mi Corazón

🇪🇸 Únete a Eve y a Leo en esta nueva canción con las palabras del corazón: Todá (gracias), Bevakashá (por favor), Slichá (lo siento), Haleluyá🌟, canción de las Palabras de mi corazón 

🌟 Words From My Heart story

🌟 Cuento de Palabras De Mi Corazón

🌟 Sh'ma Israel with Ms. Eve

🌟 Shemá Israel con Ms. Eve

Copyright Shalom Eve 2021 © All rights Reserved. Made with ❤️ by . Brought to you by Torahtron

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