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🌟 Books


🌟 Words From My Heart

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Words From My Heart, the hands-on Jewish Prayer Book

A unique book with an interactive approach to spirituality and Jewish prayer for children. It's a hands-on, scrapbook-style book that includes activities, games, songs, Hebrew words, Jewish prayers, and access to stories and videos through QR codes. 
This book invites families and schools to discover the world of prayer, soulfulness, and G*d in a language that is accessible and inspiring. It also empowers children, and their grown-ups, to find the words in their hearts and to create their own prayers. 

🌟 The Shabbat Treasure

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The Shabbat Treasure

In this magical tale, Eve is getting ready to receive the Shabbat Queen and needs to make sure everything is perfect. However, Pirate Leo wants to play and he messes up with her plans. Together, Leo and Eve will discover the true Shabbat treasure. 

“A lovely and playful book! My sons love listening to this story in preparations for Shabbat. It captures the magic of Shabbat, making the children protagonists. The illustrations are beautiful. Great content and values! Five stars!”


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זכויות יוצרים שלום ערב 2021 © כל הזכויות שמורות. מיוצר עם ❤️ על ידי הובא לך על ידי טורהטרון

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