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Shalom, chaverim! Hi, friends!

I am Ms. Eve🌟 and I love telling the stories of the Jewish people and exploring Jewish values through songs, puppets, theater, and movement!

I am so happy you are here. I can’t wait to share all the fun things on my website with you, and with all the children, families, and teachers visiting.

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Words From My Heart, the hands-on Jewish Prayer Book.

Get special launch price, tons of perks, special priced bulk orders, and take a look at my book.

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Fun and educational shows and Shabbat and Holidays celebrations with Ms. Eve⭐ for children and families. Bring them to  your community! Live, on Zoom, and on demand. 



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Shalom! I am Ms. Eve, and I love acting, singing, dancing, and telling stories. Especially, I love stories that share Jewish values, holidays, and tales. I was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and now I live in Miami, USA. I enjoy combining my two passions, Judaism and musical theatre, and that’s why I created my professional theatre troupe Torahtron. As an actress, playwright, and theater director, I had the chance to perform for thousands of children, parents, and fellow teachers around the world. To connect with kids all over the globe, I started creating online content for families to enjoy, along with my ukulele and with my dear puppet chaverim (friends). My favorite holiday is Shabbat, and I feel blessed to celebrate it every week, welcoming it as a cantorial soloist in the synagogue and at home with my family.

For grown-ups and kids at heart: I believe that we are the guardians of a treasure that is called Judaism; a treasure that belongs to our children. This treasure has been passed on to us, and it’s our privilege to enjoy it, cherish it, share it, and pass it along to the next generation for them to discover it.

“If we truly wish to hand on our legacy to our children, we must teach them to love it.”  
– Rabbi Jonathan Sacks Z”L

Shalom! I am Ms. Eve, and I love acting, singing, dancing, and telling stories. Especially, I love stories that share Jewish values, holidays, and tales. I was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and now I live in Miami, USA. I enjoy combining my two passions, Judaism and musical theatre, and that’s why I created my professional theatre troupe Torahtron. As an actress, playwright, and theater director, I had the chance to perform for thousands of children, parents, and fellow teachers around the world. To connect with kids all over the globe, I started creating online content for families to enjoy, along with my ukulele and with my dear puppet chaverim (friends). My favorite holiday is Shabbat, and I feel blessed to celebrate it every week, welcoming it as a cantorial soloist in the synagogue and at home with my family.

For grown-ups and kids at heart: I believe that we are the guardians of a treasure that is called Judaism; a treasure that belongs to our children. This treasure has been passed on to us, and it’s our privilege to enjoy it, cherish it, share it, and pass it along to the next generation for them to discover it.

“If we truly wish to hand on our legacy to our children, we must teach them to love it.”  
– Rabbi Jonathan Sacks Z”L


Cantor Evelyn Goldfinger, also known as "Ms. Eve," is a spiritual leader, performer, playwright, best-selling author, storyteller, and Jewish educator. Evelyn brings her interactive and educational shows, workshops, and "Words From My Heart" approach to spirituality and Jewish prayer experiences to schools, JCCs, and synagogues, engaging thousands of children and adults. Originally from Buenos Aires, Argentina, Cantor Evelyn received her ordination at the Seminario Rabínico Latinoamericano Marshall T. Meyer and has served as a spiritual leader for 10 years in South Florida. She is the author of the bestselling books "The Shabbat Treasure" and "Words From My Heart, the hands-on Jewish Prayer Book." Evelyn holds a Yeshiva University certification in Experimental Jewish Education and is a certified Storyteller Educator under the RISE Re-Jew-vination Initiative of Storytelling Education, affiliated with NewCAJE, where she also serves as faculty. Evelyn’s Jewish Educational Theater ensemble, Torahtron, has engaged more than 10,000 people globally through shows and interactive videos featuring "Ms. Eve" and her puppet friends on YouTube (@torahtron). With over 15 years of experience in Jewish education and working with toddlers, children, and families, Evelyn shares joy, meaning, and fun with her programs.

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Torahtron is a professional Jewish Educational Theatre ensemble that aims to engage children and adults in Jewish values and traditions, through interactive shows. Created by Evelyn Goldfinger in Buenos Aires, Argentina as "El Toratrón", 
offers shows, interactive performances for events, Sedarim and luncheons and workshops for educators. Torahtron has engaged more than 10,000 spectators (children, adults and educators) worldwide. Bring Torahtron to your school, JCC, synagogue, camp or organization .


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